Understanding Sentiment Indicators
Ferretly analyzes sentiment on every post, including web/news type posts. Sentiment can provide you with a broad understanding of how an individual expresses themselves on Social Media.
You can see the sentiment assigned to a post in the bottom right of a post. The icon is an emoji that expresses if a post is negative, neutral, or positive.
Negative - A red sad face.
Neutral - A basic yellow face.
Positive - A green smiley face.
You can change a sentiment for a post if you believe it was classified incorrectly.
Sentiment has a lower weighting than behavioral attributes in the overall score. In addition, only negative keywords factor into the score.
Sentiment analysis within Ferretly compliments the machine learning algorithm that looks at specific behaviors for each post. Our sentiment algorithm is a rule-based tool that was specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in social media. We incorporate a lexicon (list of features e.g., words) that are labeled according to their semantic orientation.