Change Subject Ownership
By default, you “own” any subject that you add into Ferretly. This means that you will be notified of reports and events related to your subjects.
You have the option to change ownership of a subject so that another user in your organization will receive alerts and be assigned the subject.
You can change the ownership of a subject when adding a subject or on already existing subjects. We'll go over both in this article.

Assign a Different User to an Existing Subject
You can change the ownership for existing subjects individually or in bulk.
First access existing subjects by clicking Subjects in the left navigation. The button may appear as a person icon depending on your screen size.
Find the subject(s) you want to assign.

To change ownership of an individual subject, click the three dots to the right of the subject and click Assign Subject in the dropdown.

To change the ownership of multiple subjects at once, use the checkboxes to select all applicable subjects. In the top right, click the assign icon.

The Assign Subject(s) window will open. Click the Assign to a user in my organization radio button. Use the dropdown to select the username.
When you’re done click Assign in the bottom right corner.