Adjust Post Flags

Based on your report settings and report profile you will get posts flagged for different types of content. All initial checks by Ferretly need to be reviewed by a person, whether a user in your organization or by an analyst at Ferretly (part of the Analyst Assistance add on). 

You can find your posts on the Posts page. Select Posts in the left navigation. The button may appear as a grid icon depending on your screen size. 

Find the post(s) you want to work with. You can go through posts and do the following: 

  • Remove a Flag

  • Change Flag for a Single Post

  • Bulk Change Post Flags

Remove a Flag

There are two ways to remove a flag from a post in Ferretly. The first is to simply click the flag icon in the bottom right corner of the post.

Another way is to click the social media icon for the post in the top right corner. This might be a bird for twitter, camera for instagram, etc. select Provide Feedback on Classification in the dropdown. 

The Feedback window will open. Check the box, The post should not have been flagged, to remove the flag. 

If you want, you can select a different behavioral attribute the post should be flagged as with the dropdown. 

When you’re done click Submit to save your changes. 

Change Flag for a Single Post

To change what behavioral attribute a post is flagged for, click the social media icon for the post in the top right corner. This might be a bird for twitter, camera for instagram, etc. select Provide Feedback on Classification in the dropdown. 

The Feedback window will open. Use the dropdown to select which behavioral attribute the post should be flagged for. 

When you’re done click Submit to save your changes. 

Bulk Change Post Flags

If you want to change several posts to a different behavioral attribute, first filter posts to only display Flagged Posts.

Toggle the Behavior Filters switch to the right. You will see a box for each behavioral attribute and keywords.

Hit the Ctrl key (for Windows) or Cmd key (for Macs) and click all of the posts you want to change. Selected posts will have a green border. 

Drag and drop the posts to the desired behavioral attribute. 

All of the selected posts will be flagged for the new behavioral attribute.